By Dr. Robert Daly, Chair, American Peace Information Council
Sep 23, 2024
BEIRUT, Sept. 23. Two huge explosions in the past week in Lebanon and Russia were explosions of ‘a new type of nuclear weapon,’ argues Dr. Christopher Busby, Scientific Secretary, European Committee on Radiation Risk in a YouTube video posted last night. The explosions appear to be of nuclear warheads of the ‘cold fusion’ type, says Busby. He asks people near the bomb craters in Jbaa, Lebanon and Toropets, Russia, to take Geiger counter readings and soil samples where the counter registers radiation and send that data to him. That is more feasible in Toropets, where there is no war (as there is in Lebanon).
Dr. Busby explains in his video, ‘It’s a fusion weapon, that is, it does not have a fission primer. It produces a thermonuclear explosion on the basis of containing deuterium in uranium. One has a small amount of uranium and dissolves deuterium inside it at a temperature of 300 degrees [Celsius] and when you compress it, you get a thermonuclear reaction, you get fusion…a very large explosion for the size of the bomb, about the size of a tennis ball. We call it a “mini-nuke.” In fact, the Americans have been talking about having mini-nukes for very many years.’
This type of weapon does not produce nuclear fallout, and that’s why people are confused by it. People look for the fallout that is produced by a fission weapon, and they don’t find it and conclude the weapon was not nuclear, but this nuclear weapon does not produce radioactive fission byproducts. When a fission bomb explodes as at Hiroshima, you get fission fallout isotopes like Strontium-90. But there are no fission byproducts with this cold fusion mini-nuke. So, it won’t be detected by all the systems placed around the world to detect nuclear bomb testing.
But with these new weapons, we have ‘a nuclear weapon which does not produce fallout…So, people come along and say, “oh, although the explosion in Jbaa looks like a nuclear explosion, it isn’t one, because we haven’t found any fallout.” But this weapon does not produce fallout. ‘In Jbaa, the “Israelis” are using the same type of weapon that they used in Khiam in 2006 and in Gaza in 2009 and that the Americans used on Fallujah in 2003.’ With these weapons, you can have a nuclear war, you can have exchange of these weapons which produce neutrons and uranium dust, but no detection of fallout, and therefore to the ‘experts’ no nuclear explosions.
The only country that has deployed such ‘cold fusion’ warheads recently is ‘Israel,’ but the Ukraine and U.S. Army also have them. A warehouse full of them blew up in Khmelnitsky, western Ukraine May 13, 2023. Dr. Busby told this writer: ‘The weapons storage facility in Toropets was built to withstand a nuclear bomb. So, these explosions are from the incoming weapons, not from the stored munitions. They were registered on the seismic detectors 2.6 on the Richter scale and a drone could not carry enough conventional explosive to produce such a bang (see photo and video). It follows that these are (as they seem) cold fusion warheads.
According to New Jersey Radio Host Hal Turner on Sept. 18, ‘Reports are flooding-in as of 12:56 AM EDT that "massive" explosions are being seen and heard in Toropets Russia, coming from a Missile and Ammunition Depot outside that city. Local [Russian] authorities are EVACUATING Toropets, and moving citizens about . . . get this . . . . 25 miles away to Zapadnaya Dvina.’ Sept. 21 Russia retaliated by striking Kiev’s military depots storing long-range weapons in Lubny, the Poltava region. In the figure, Dr. Busby outlines the path of a radioactive uranium plume traveling southeast over the Ukraine: ‘The track goes south east across Russia and then turns southwest at the end of the first day to cross Ukraine.’ (see Figure)
Dr. Busby summarized the situation to this writer yesterday: ‘I have recently seen videos online of the explosions in Toropets, Russia and the big explosion in South Lebanon. There was initially much speculation that these were nuclear explosions. I have studied nuclear explosions as part of my work as an expert witness in UK courts on behalf of the nuclear test veterans, and I have to admit that these both look like small nuclear detonations to me. I believe that we are seeing the use of the new cold fusion Uranium bomb which I detected in Lebanon samples in 2006, and Gaza samples in 2008 and have written about extensively. The technology employs deuterium dissolved in Uranium and a very small warhead, the size of a tennis ball; it creates a significant mini-nuclear explosion, involving neutrons and a high energy gamma ray that burns everything. It leaves behind only enriched Uranium, some plutonium and Uranium 236. Also, Carbon-14 and short-lived activation products. The danger is that its use is invisible to the nuclear weapons detectors deployed by the IAEA and other actors all over the world. Yet the downstream health effects of this weapon are very serious. They cause genetic effects which include cancers, leukemias and birth defects, as I found in Fallujah Iraq where we also found enriched uranium in the hair of mothers of the birth defect children. The Media have rushed to deny the nuclear nature of these explosions and have rubbished those who believed so; largely on the basis of a failure to find the high radiation levels normally associated with nuclear weapons. This is a mistake.
These are neutron bombs: they are clean and undetectable at any distance. There is no fallout. Only a moderate increase in radiation near the crater (about 50 times background) and the enriched uranium.’

[Caption to above figure:] The red line with triangles shows the computed forward track for 8 days of the plume released at the reported time of the explosion in Toropets, Tver region of Russia shown as a black star. The red line at the bottom shows the computed height of the plume in metres. Each triangle represents a 24 hour period from the detonation time.
1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgfuZNlkgRE
2 About 50 times background.
3 Prof. Dr. Christopher Busby, Green Audit, 2 Bridge Street, Bideford, Devon EX39 2BU UK