Dec 28, 2024
Joti Brar and Alexander McKay present a new party pamphlet about Trotskyism.
Today’s Trotskyites claim to be the ‘true inheritors’ of VI Lenin, faithful upholders of revolutionary Leninist ideology and of the Bolshevik organising tradition which brought us the world’s first socialist state in 1917. But in reality their organisations and leaders play the role of agent provocateur in the working-class movement, just as Trotsky did throughout his lifetime.
By consistently denigrating and opposing the forces that actually fight imperialism, whether at home or abroad, Trotskyism works to mislead potential revolutionaries and prevent them from making any meaningful contribution to the struggle for socialism. Despite their constant calls for strikes and uprisings ‘now’, no Trotskyist group has ever led a successful movement against capitalism in over a century of revolutionary posturing.
More than that: Trotskyism has actively impeded all such struggles. By re-packaging imperialist lies in ‘Leninist’ phrases, Trotskyists promote ‘analyses’ and slogans that mislead and confuse rather than educating, and they engage in activities that are designed to prevent any advance of the working class.
In Britain today, their practical programme amounts to support for the imperialist Labour party, support for imperialist wars, and implacable hostility toward genuine revolutionaries. A plethora of Trotskyist organisations are funded by the British state and promoted by British corporate media: one of many strategies used by the capitalist class to sabotage the efforts of the workers to rise to the position of ruling class and build a bright socialist future.
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