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Dr. Robert Daly, American Peace Information Council

Mar 3, 2025

Radioactivity, as measured by Geiger counter readings, at the site where Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah was killed by “Israeli” bombers was still “two to three times normal background radiation” on December 20, 2024, a full 85 days after the September 27 bombing that killed Nasrallah, according to a Technical Report produced earlier this month by Dr. Jihad Abboud, President of The Lebanese Chemists Syndicate and Dr. Robert Daly, Chair of The American Peace Information Council and a representative of Green Audit UK. “A few hundred meters from the site…we found normal background radiation in the range of 0.07 to 0.1 μS/h,” reads the report. “As we approached the Nasrallah bombing site the reading steadily increased to 0.27 to 0.32 μS/h at the site itself.” (μS abbreviates microSievert. The Sievert is defined as the probability of causing radiation-induced cancer and genetic damage. If the reading is 1 Sievert, that probability is 50 percent.) “At a filled-in bomb crater about 50 meters from the Nasrallah site,” the Report continues, “we also found high radiation readings, about 0.27 μS/h, which increased both as we brought the Geiger counter closer to the ground, and as we dug away some earth from the top of the filled-in bomb crater.” 

There is always a level of so-called “background” radiation anywhere in the world. A reading significantly in excess of background, such as we have here, is extraordinary and calls for explanation. The clearest explanation here is that the radiation is a result of “Israeli” bombs exploding at the sites. Dr. Christopher Busby—Scientific Secretary, European Committee on Radiation Risk and founder of Green Audit UK—warned of abnormal radioactivity readings as a result of “Israeli” bombings in an article in Al Mayadeen September 16, 2024. That article first made public the ongoing investigation, of which the Technical Report is the first official result. Busby wrote: “In 2021, a scientific report in the prestigious journal Nature confirmed what I had been saying since 2006.

"Israel" has, since its attacks on Lebanon in 2006 and those on Gaza in 2008 and 2014, used a new nuclear weapon, one which kills with a high temperature radiation flash and with neutrons. This weapon, which leaves an identification footprint, but no fission products like Caesium-137, we now know was also employed by the USA in Fallujah, Iraq in 2003, and previously in Kosovo also.” In my September 23, 2024 article, “‘New Type of Nuclear Weapon’ Strikes Lebanon,” in The Revolution Report, Busby concluded, “The explosions appear to be of nuclear warheads of the ‘cold fusion’ type…These are neutron bombs: they are clean and undetectable at any distance. There is no fallout. Only a moderate increase in radiation near the crater.”' These neutron bombs are undoubtedly used in combination with conventional explosives. Dr. Busby advises Lebanese who live in the vicinity of the site where Nasrallah died, to wear N95 respirator masks there when outside their homes.

These so-called “neutron bombs” are US-manufactured explosives and have been used in Iraq and Yugoslavia by the U.S. Army. Moreover, of all the air strikes made upon Lebanon during the September-November 2024 intense war, “only 20 percent were flown by ‘Israeli’ pilots,” Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal claimed on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s podcast Judging Freedom. The remaining air strikes had to have been flown by US and other NATO pilots deployed by the US Defense Department’s Pentagon. Furthermore, a Pentagon command and control aircraft coordinated the air strikes on Nasrallah. All that signifies that Nasrallah was killed by pilots and aircraft deployed by the same Pentagon personnel who collaborated with Lebanese President Joseph Aoun when he was commander-in-chief of the Lebanese armed forces up until January 2025. Was Aoun informed of the upcoming attack on Nasrallah before it occurred and did not warn the Hezbollah General Secretary?

We used a GQ GMC 800 Geiger counter. We thank journalist Yvonne Anwar Souaiby for leading Dr. Abboud and I to the site in Dahiye and collaborating with us in the collection of data.


The Revolution Report

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