Alvaro Enrique Saldivia Lopez
Apr 12, 2024
Red Alert! 21st Century Trojan-Horse Invasion Must Be Stopped!
Javier Milei, the enemy of the World Proletariat and the puppet president of Washington in Argentina, handed over the sovereignty of the geopolitical strategic military bases in Tierra del Fuego, the South Atlantic Islands, Malvinas, and access to Antartica to Anglo-imperialism, providing a channel for the direct extraction of its resources through ports under imperial US military custody.
On Friday, April 5, 2024, in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, the Zionist neocolonial Javier Milei approved and signed the military settlement and the construction of a naval military base for the U.S. Southern Command Imperialist US Naval Fleet.
Milei handed over Argentine sovereignty to the infamous General Laura Richardson for the construction of a Military Naval Base in Tierra del Fuego, in the southern tip of Argentine Patagonia, on the shores of the geo-strategic Drake Passage and near the Strait of Magellan, which both connect the South Pacific to the South Atlantic and serve as the entrance to Antarctica. This location is also near the Malvinas and South Atlantic Islands, which have been under British colonial occupation since the last century.
In politics, everything is communication, and this fact sends a clear message about the anti-Argentine and Anglophile thoughts and feelings of Javier Milei, who is a great admirer of the late Margaret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister, and the brutal and infamous Anglo-zionist Iron Lady who led the invasion of Malvinas and is remembered as an enemy of the World Proletariat, hated by Proletariats across the Commonwealth and continents worldwide.
Recall that Laura Richardson referred to Latin American resources as their own, as private property of the Anglo-American empire in an interview at the end of 2023:
“...Why does this region matter?...60% of the world's lithium is located in the lithium triangle: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile... they have the resources of Venezuela also with: oil, gold, diamonds, copper... we have the lungs of the world the Amazon also 31% of the world's fresh water in this region... I mean it's out of the ordinary!"...She also referred to China and Russia as "evil actors" only because her gringo greed is envious of the multibillion-dollar growth of Chinese and Russian trade with Latin America and the Caribbean.
"The United States has a long way to go; this region matters because it has a lot to do with national security, and we have to start our game.”
Richardson listed openly Machiavellian reasons why the United States is setting its eyes on South America to get its claws into it, explicitly stating to "have under her command the troops that supervise and could act in Latin America" because her country had “a lot to do in South America" since for them, it is “a national security issue.”
Dates are weaponized by neocolonial invaders to humiliate the indigenous population
The date is no coincidence, just three days before the commemoration of the Malvinas War, on April 2nd, which pays tribute to the Argentine fighters who fought to regain sovereignty over the islands taken by British Imperialism. It is a cognitive, moral, and psychological warfare to subjugate a "potential colony."
Precisely on the 42nd anniversary of the Malvinas War, the president's speech contrasted with those who defended the islands in 1982. Milei suspended the military parade he had planned in Buenos Aires for the 42nd anniversary and gave a speech without mentioning the British occupiers. On the same day, he met with CIA Director Burns. Javier Milei sure enjoys licking Gringo fascist boots... a painful image of humiliation for the Argentine Proletariat.
In the course of three days, General Richardson would make an atrocious tour of the country of tango, culminating in the act of April 5, an act of colonial subjugation that reached the agreement of the construction of the American military base in Tierra del Fuego by the neocolonial puppet government “anarcho-capitalist” of Javier Milei.
In the act, the US national anthem was played, and its flag was hoisted above the Argentine flag on the main mast of the Naval Base. Comrades up north say it with us Comrades down south Yankee Go Home! It's the Rich and their Government not the People, who we call Yankee or Gringo.
We proletariats are one and many across continents and together in the class struggle to overthrow the international bourgeoisie, banking cartels, and their old-world order. Together we will construct in its place a multipolar Marxist futurist civilization. Establish a tech-supported scientific socialist economy, a mode of production and distribution that isn't the insanity of the unipolar capitalist dictatorship of the U.S. dollar which is based on debt, death, and destruction.
The new Multipolar mode of production we are building Comrades must be based on life, needs, utility, durability, collectively prosperous, and plurally beneficial. Seize the Future! Seize the means of production! Seize power! Proletariats of the world unite!
The aforementioned Southern Command of the United States is one of the 10 Unified combat commands belonging to the Anglo-American Department of Defense. These worldwide unified commands seek to provide effective command and control of all U.S. military forces independent of the service branch during times of peace or war.
If a government is not liked by the oligarchs behind the corporate dollar, sabotage operations, and revolts are planned from these military bases so that it falls and imposes a government of its liking again.
Norther military colonialism in Hidrovia de Paraná, the most important river route of the Tango country
But that's not all, in mid-March, Milei gave the green light to the deployment of the US Navy to control the most important river route of the tango country.
The general administration of ports of Argentina and the Gringo Army signed an agreement according to which Yankee troops will be stationed on the "Trunk Waterway", La Vía Navegable Troncal, the most important Waterway connecting the Paraguay, Paraná, and Uruguay Rivers.
This river route, mentioned in Eduardo Galeano's Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina where he brilliantly detailed the horrible extraction process of colonialism in Latin America, is known by colonial capitalism as Hidrovía Paraná and runs through 74 ports in five countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. Through Argentina, it passes across seven provinces: Misiones, Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires. It is used to transport more than 80% of Argentine exports made up of mostly grains, flour, and oils, a market dominated by Western corporations and disputed by Chinese companies.
Conclusion and requests: proletarians organize!
The national security of the United States is inside and not outside. Get politically organized, and the organized proletariat in the North can seize power and lead their nations with socialism, justice, diplomacy, the new Multipolar world, international law, and fair trade as another harmonious people in resonance with World Decolonization and the construction of twenty-first-century Socialism. From the South and the East, we want the Western proletariat to join the South and the East in this reconfiguration of the world's economic and political architecture.
National security is inside a country, not outside... and just as Comandante Fidel Castro referred to the OAS (OEA) as the US Ministry of Colonies, so the foreign policy of an empire is far from that of non-imperial countries. Countries instead of being invaders, can be vibrant diplomatic leaders, scholars, and merchants.
NATO Imperialism must be stopped immediately! They shall not settle further and must leave Antarctica and the southern oceans as well as the Amazonian continent entirely. They will not occupy Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego!
That is why I speak to you, comrade! To you who are reading me from the imperial core. Organize and battle against the private capital of the US dollar, that injects and pumps the financial blood to the Military Industrial Apparatus, causing the horrible Anglo-zionist imperial atrocities. Let's Stop the genocide in Gaza and Palestine, stop ethnic cleansing, epistemicides, transculturization, and neocolonial civilizational imposition.
I personally propose an International anti-imperialist, anti-colonial proletariat, civic-military coalition to kick out all NATO bases from the Pan-Amazonic continent; to denazify especially Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Salvador. I claim this courageously, comrades, writing from Caracas, Venezuela, the land of the liberators which defeated the mightiest empire of the time more than 2 centuries ago.
We too can defeat this old decadent empire too. So we must organize the proletariat!
Comrades! The dictatorial US $ and its capitalist Anglo-zionist $ociety of the $pectacle will be defeated by our International proletarian union and organization.