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    < Back U.S AUTHORIZES NEW GUNS PACKAGE FOR ISRAEL teleSUR Sep 14, 2024 The current US presidential administration approved on Thursday a new arms package worth $164.6 million to sell to Israel in a war against the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank. The US continues to play its role as a supplier of weapons to the Israeli army despite constant criticism from the international community, which points to the US nation as an accomplice in the Israeli siege and, as a result, responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths resulting from the conflict. Recently, the US vice president and presidential candidate for the next four years’ management, Kamala Harris, in what would be her first interview as a presidential candidate, told the local press that he would not make any changes to his policy on arms shipments to Israel. On the war exchange with Tel Aviv, Harris did not mention anything else, but it was enough to assume that if elected, children, women, men and old people will continue to die in Gaza, where more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Zionist occupation since 7 October. However, he avoided this conversation by considering a possible ceasefire. lsraeli warplanes bomb a site in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip. — TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) September 13, 2024 The picture is even more critical, as the numbers point to the 7 of October 2023 and, to date, the US. has sent more than 50,000 tons of weapons to Tel Aviv to continue its genocide, to which this package of weapons just approved by the White House would be added. The figure from the beginning of the genocide was offered by the American media which offered a balance of the monthly supply to Tel Aviv by Washington, 50,000 tons meant 100 cargoes that arrived on Israeli land by air and ocean transport. The shipments included “armoured vehicles, ammunition, personal protective equipment and medical equipment». Reposted from with thanks Previous Next


    < Back SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC CON ARTISTRY Marx Engels Lenin Institute Sep 14, 2024 In this episode Alex of Marx Engels Lenin Institute talks about how social democracy is the main barrier to class consciousness in imperialist countries. Be sure to check out the MELI website where you can find the latest articles: You can also find more of their work on their Patreon page. If you want to support the work they do here then you can also donate using the link below: If you want to contact them you can do so on the following email address: Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back WHO IS ACTUALLY AT WAR WITH WHOM IN UKRAINE AND EUROPE? Alistair P-M May 26, 2024 One of the most enraging and offensive things about being accused of being a ‘Putin shill’ or similar, for trying to show people that the media and western governments have been lying on such a grand scale about Ukraine, is the fact that the people accusing us of such things have no understanding of what Ukrainian people have been experiencing at the hands of their own government. The one idea that the media has probably been most successful in instilling as fact in the public consciousness, is that the Russian army is targeting Ukrainian civilians, when there is a wealth of video evidence of the threat to Ukrainian civilians coming from its own side, although none of this makes it into mainstream news. That’s not even including what the Ukrainian nationalists like Azov were doing to people in Mariupol, a nominally Ukrainian city (where Azov had their base of operations) on the border with the DPR, in which the mostly Russian-speaking population had been terrorised since 2014, and became targets once Russia started its SMO in 2022: ⚠️ Warning: The rest of this post includes some graphic images and video of what Ukrainian police and government or nationalist thugs, including army ‘recruitment’ (i.e. conscription) officers, have done to those who either resist them or who are accused of being spies or Russian collaborators. It’s not pretty. From the first days of the SMO, I was seeing videos, even on the usually censorious Youtube, of horrific violence perpetrated by Ukrainian nationalists and directed at ethnic Russians. There was a particularly shocking video of a man stabbed to death in a stairwell - this was a snuff video , on Youtube , and it was up for months with nothing more than a ‘sensitive content’ warning to prevent you viewing it. By contrast, a video of members of Azov who had been ‘ evacuated ’ by Russia (remember that?) from Azovstal, with all their Nazi tattoos on full display, lasted only a few weeks before being taken down. It’s endlessly infurating to see this kind of partisan censorship happening, and to be simultaneously told that it isn’t and that in fact I’m falling for Russian propaganda, by people who haven’t been paying close enough attention. It literally amounts to corporate gaslighting, done at the behest of powers far bigger than the Ukrainian state apparatus. Something else that western news never mentioned, was what Ukrainian police and nationalists were doing to those they considered ‘collaborators’ or ‘marauders’ (one of the names given to the invading Russian army). They had/have a signature technique, that of tying people up with cling film: It’s absolutely gruesome and medieval in its cruelty, and there are endless images like this, as well as videos which are even more distressing. They also like to humiliate victims by exposing their backsides, and the victims of this abuse are not always men. Note how some of the people doing it are in uniform - these are not rogue elements, this is official policy. The standard braindead normie response to this kind of content is to blame Russia anyway, to make everything that the Ukrainian security state does to its own people a reaction to the Russian invasion, and maybe even to suggest that those being abused might have deserved it. As the saying goes: Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds. A common refrain amongst those who dismiss this kind of content as somehow Russian propaganda is that the person in question knows Ukrainians, and none of them have heard of any of this cruelty, in fact they’ve heard about nothing but the awful things the invading ‘orcs’ have been doing. No doubt this is true. That’s because bloggers who have dared to record videos expressing their horror at what Ukrainian security services are doing, or contradicting the official line in any way, run the risk of being arrested. In Ukraine, I could be arrested for writing this blog. This man recorded a video in January saying that contrary to what the Ukrainian media were saying, the military were indeed stationed in a hotel in Kharkov that was hit: A couple of weeks later, he was detained - and photographed - and allegedly charged with “justifying Russian aggression”, which could result in an 8 year prison sentence. A prison sentence might be preferable to being a free man in Ukraine right now, though. The sweeping Ukrainian conscription that has been going on for months has resulted in Ukrainian towns turning into man-free ghost towns, as men avoid the roaming conscription officers, who regularly bundle men into vans to go and fight on the front line. If the army recruitment officers decide they want to take you, don’t expect the police to help you: There are many videos of those army recruitment officers savagely beating people who resist them, like this unfortunate man in Poltava: A woman in Transcarpathia recorded a selfie video just after her husband was abducted by these conscription officers, in which she is hysterical about what has just occurred: Soon after, she recorded this ‘apology’ video, saying that “no force was used against us, I am very ashamed of what I said about the AFU”: If that seems like a disingenuous thing to say (or be forced to say), then consider the case of this woman who filmed her husband being abducted by army thugs, hoping that she could stop it happening, and instead they turned on her: She took photographs afterwards of the injuries she sustained in the attack: One conscription officer filmed another engaging in a ‘mock execution’ of a would-be draft dodger, who is handcuffed: Those who are conscripted may suffer abuse once they are in the army, too. This was filmed in Ternopil: This video shows the result of the extreme violence meted out to someone who openly criticised the Ukrainian regime within Ukraine - it doesn’t matter that he had been collecting funds for the AFU before making his feelings known: So Ukrainian men have a strong motivation not to get drafted into the army. This is clearly worst for men in Ukraine, but Ukraine has also pushed to get Ukrainians living in the EU back into Ukraine, to send them to the frontlines to extend the desperate war for as long as possible. Ukraine has suspended consular services for military-age men abroad , forcing them to return to Ukraine if they want to renew their passport - in which case, they are bound to be conscripted. When this was announced there was a rush to Ukrainian consular offices to get new documents before it came into effect, as seen here in Poland: In case you thought that European officials might have some sympathy for Ukrainian men, the Polish defence minister stated ominously on April 24 that Poland is “ ready to help ” Ukraine get those military-age men back to Ukraine. Here is Estonian MEP Jaak Madison calling those who have illegally left Ukraine since the SMO started ‘cowards’, who should be sent back to fight for their country (i.e. for the corrupt globalist class): Madison mentions something that has been intentionally glossed over in the western media: that since the SMO began, it has been illegal for Ukrainian men to leave the country. That means that all those people who helped male Ukrainian refugees after the start of the SMO, were actually aiding criminals, at least in the eyes of Ukrainian law. No doubt those helping them all believed that they were helping people running from the Russian invasion, but the truth may have been rather different. To be sure, those Ukrainian men might have feared Russian bombs, but they would also have been acutely aware that they could be called up to join the army at any time. They almost certainly would have had to bribe their way out of the country. The recent $61B aid package/loan from US Congress was supposed to help Ukraine win the conflict, but it was never clear how the money was supposed to make that happen. No amount of money or materiel is going to be enough , even if there were trained soldiers alive to use it, which there simply are not. The reality is that that money went to US arms manufacturers and to pay the salaries of Ukrainian politicians. This AP article admits that $20B of that $61B is going to “restock the Pentagon’s shelves and ensure that the military services have what they need to fight and protect America”; so much for ‘aid for Ukraine’. The ongoing Ukraine conflict is a horror show (and very much not хорошо), but the vultures in the US State Dept have no other option but to keep prolonging it, because they know that once Ukraine falls, all the lies will start to come out, and they know that they might even end up being held responsible . The western media will keep up the facade as long as they can, but at some point they too will be the subject of legal action, probably from courts in Russia or Novorossiya. I’m really not writing this so that I can say “I told you so” to some hypothetical person at a later date - there just do seem to be very few outlets collating this kind of information. Telegram is useful, but it is very diffuse and there is a constant deluge of new information: you can’t put your mouth over a fire hose and expect to be able to drink what comes out. I want people to understand what’s happening, and videos like the ones in this post tell a story that capably disproves the disgusting, immoral line taken by the mainstream media. Even all of this awful abuse and wilfull negligence towards Ukrainians, is to say nothing of the wider conflict being waged against Europe in the form of policies like sanctions on Russia, forced on European states by the EU and the US. The most blatant and egregious action in this conflict is probably the Nordstream sabotage , which itself only makes sense in the context of powerful individuals in the US wanting to control gas supplies across Ukraine into Europe. Hunter Biden’s “10% to the big guy” appointment to Burisma is just the tip of the enormous iceberg of corruption and grift that Ukraine represents, and yet the majority of people still think that’s some kind of conspiracy theory. It just gets exhausting, knowing all this and still having to live your life like everything’s fine and dandy. Republished from The Reluctant Dissident . Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back WHO IS ACTUALLY AT WAR WITH WHOM IN UKRAINE AND EUROPE? Alistair P-M May 26, 2024 One of the most enraging and offensive things about being accused of being a ‘Putin shill’ or similar, for trying to show people that the media and western governments have been lying on such a grand scale about Ukraine, is the fact that the people accusing us of such things have no understanding of what Ukrainian people have been experiencing at the hands of their own government. The one idea that the media has probably been most successful in instilling as fact in the public consciousness, is that the Russian army is targeting Ukrainian civilians, when there is a wealth of video evidence of the threat to Ukrainian civilians coming from its own side, although none of this makes it into mainstream news. That’s not even including what the Ukrainian nationalists like Azov were doing to people in Mariupol, a nominally Ukrainian city (where Azov had their base of operations) on the border with the DPR, in which the mostly Russian-speaking population had been terrorised since 2014, and became targets once Russia started its SMO in 2022: ⚠️ Warning: The rest of this post includes some graphic images and video of what Ukrainian police and government or nationalist thugs, including army ‘recruitment’ (i.e. conscription) officers, have done to those who either resist them or who are accused of being spies or Russian collaborators. It’s not pretty. From the first days of the SMO, I was seeing videos, even on the usually censorious Youtube, of horrific violence perpetrated by Ukrainian nationalists and directed at ethnic Russians. There was a particularly shocking video of a man stabbed to death in a stairwell - this was a snuff video , on Youtube , and it was up for months with nothing more than a ‘sensitive content’ warning to prevent you viewing it. By contrast, a video of members of Azov who had been ‘ evacuated ’ by Russia (remember that?) from Azovstal, with all their Nazi tattoos on full display, lasted only a few weeks before being taken down. It’s endlessly infurating to see this kind of partisan censorship happening, and to be simultaneously told that it isn’t and that in fact I’m falling for Russian propaganda, by people who haven’t been paying close enough attention. It literally amounts to corporate gaslighting, done at the behest of powers far bigger than the Ukrainian state apparatus. Something else that western news never mentioned, was what Ukrainian police and nationalists were doing to those they considered ‘collaborators’ or ‘marauders’ (one of the names given to the invading Russian army). They had/have a signature technique, that of tying people up with cling film: It’s absolutely gruesome and medieval in its cruelty, and there are endless images like this, as well as videos which are even more distressing. They also like to humiliate victims by exposing their backsides, and the victims of this abuse are not always men. Note how some of the people doing it are in uniform - these are not rogue elements, this is official policy. The standard braindead normie response to this kind of content is to blame Russia anyway, to make everything that the Ukrainian security state does to its own people a reaction to the Russian invasion, and maybe even to suggest that those being abused might have deserved it. As the saying goes: Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds. A common refrain amongst those who dismiss this kind of content as somehow Russian propaganda is that the person in question knows Ukrainians, and none of them have heard of any of this cruelty, in fact they’ve heard about nothing but the awful things the invading ‘orcs’ have been doing. No doubt this is true. That’s because bloggers who have dared to record videos expressing their horror at what Ukrainian security services are doing, or contradicting the official line in any way, run the risk of being arrested. In Ukraine, I could be arrested for writing this blog. This man recorded a video in January saying that contrary to what the Ukrainian media were saying, the military were indeed stationed in a hotel in Kharkov that was hit: A couple of weeks later, he was detained - and photographed - and allegedly charged with “justifying Russian aggression”, which could result in an 8 year prison sentence. A prison sentence might be preferable to being a free man in Ukraine right now, though. The sweeping Ukrainian conscription that has been going on for months has resulted in Ukrainian towns turning into man-free ghost towns, as men avoid the roaming conscription officers, who regularly bundle men into vans to go and fight on the front line. If the army recruitment officers decide they want to take you, don’t expect the police to help you: There are many videos of those army recruitment officers savagely beating people who resist them, like this unfortunate man in Poltava: A woman in Transcarpathia recorded a selfie video just after her husband was abducted by these conscription officers, in which she is hysterical about what has just occurred: Soon after, she recorded this ‘apology’ video, saying that “no force was used against us, I am very ashamed of what I said about the AFU”: If that seems like a disingenuous thing to say (or be forced to say), then consider the case of this woman who filmed her husband being abducted by army thugs, hoping that she could stop it happening, and instead they turned on her: She took photographs afterwards of the injuries she sustained in the attack: One conscription officer filmed another engaging in a ‘mock execution’ of a would-be draft dodger, who is handcuffed: Those who are conscripted may suffer abuse once they are in the army, too. This was filmed in Ternopil: This video shows the result of the extreme violence meted out to someone who openly criticised the Ukrainian regime within Ukraine - it doesn’t matter that he had been collecting funds for the AFU before making his feelings known: So Ukrainian men have a strong motivation not to get drafted into the army. This is clearly worst for men in Ukraine, but Ukraine has also pushed to get Ukrainians living in the EU back into Ukraine, to send them to the frontlines to extend the desperate war for as long as possible. Ukraine has suspended consular services for military-age men abroad , forcing them to return to Ukraine if they want to renew their passport - in which case, they are bound to be conscripted. When this was announced there was a rush to Ukrainian consular offices to get new documents before it came into effect, as seen here in Poland: In case you thought that European officials might have some sympathy for Ukrainian men, the Polish defence minister stated ominously on April 24 that Poland is “ ready to help ” Ukraine get those military-age men back to Ukraine. Here is Estonian MEP Jaak Madison calling those who have illegally left Ukraine since the SMO started ‘cowards’, who should be sent back to fight for their country (i.e. for the corrupt globalist class): Madison mentions something that has been intentionally glossed over in the western media: that since the SMO began, it has been illegal for Ukrainian men to leave the country. That means that all those people who helped male Ukrainian refugees after the start of the SMO, were actually aiding criminals, at least in the eyes of Ukrainian law. No doubt those helping them all believed that they were helping people running from the Russian invasion, but the truth may have been rather different. To be sure, those Ukrainian men might have feared Russian bombs, but they would also have been acutely aware that they could be called up to join the army at any time. They almost certainly would have had to bribe their way out of the country. The recent $61B aid package/loan from US Congress was supposed to help Ukraine win the conflict, but it was never clear how the money was supposed to make that happen. No amount of money or materiel is going to be enough , even if there were trained soldiers alive to use it, which there simply are not. The reality is that that money went to US arms manufacturers and to pay the salaries of Ukrainian politicians. This AP article admits that $20B of that $61B is going to “restock the Pentagon’s shelves and ensure that the military services have what they need to fight and protect America”; so much for ‘aid for Ukraine’. The ongoing Ukraine conflict is a horror show (and very much not хорошо), but the vultures in the US State Dept have no other option but to keep prolonging it, because they know that once Ukraine falls, all the lies will start to come out, and they know that they might even end up being held responsible . The western media will keep up the facade as long as they can, but at some point they too will be the subject of legal action, probably from courts in Russia or Novorossiya. I’m really not writing this so that I can say “I told you so” to some hypothetical person at a later date - there just do seem to be very few outlets collating this kind of information. Telegram is useful, but it is very diffuse and there is a constant deluge of new information: you can’t put your mouth over a fire hose and expect to be able to drink what comes out. I want people to understand what’s happening, and videos like the ones in this post tell a story that capably disproves the disgusting, immoral line taken by the mainstream media. Even all of this awful abuse and wilfull negligence towards Ukrainians, is to say nothing of the wider conflict being waged against Europe in the form of policies like sanctions on Russia, forced on European states by the EU and the US. The most blatant and egregious action in this conflict is probably the Nordstream sabotage , which itself only makes sense in the context of powerful individuals in the US wanting to control gas supplies across Ukraine into Europe. Hunter Biden’s “10% to the big guy” appointment to Burisma is just the tip of the enormous iceberg of corruption and grift that Ukraine represents, and yet the majority of people still think that’s some kind of conspiracy theory. It just gets exhausting, knowing all this and still having to live your life like everything’s fine and dandy. Republished from The Reluctant Dissident . Previous Next


    < Back FROM 1968 TO 2024, IT'S NOT THE POLITICS OF JOY, IT'S THE DAMN WARS Eric Arnow Sep 7, 2024 It’s the Damned Wars, that the Politicians Keep Paying for. Senator Lindsay Graham says the US should attack Iran’s energy resources. He forgets that Iran could block the flow of oil out of the Persia Gulf, sending the world economy into collapse We no longer have adults with any kind of wisdom sitting in positions of power in Washington, DC. We’ve got emotional children and that’s exactly what Lindsey Graham is he’s he’s a child he’s old enough to know better but certainly …. I guess wants to embrace ignorance as his mantle —-Larry Johnson, former CIA officer and intelligence analyst, and former planner and advisor at the US State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. The Politics of Joy, Then and Now The two Democratic Party conventions, that of 1968, and now, 2024 have ended. I attended the 1968 convention–well, that is, I was in a park just across the street from the convention hall, probably 200 yards away. I’d supported the first peace candidate, Gene McCarthy of Minnesota, whose position opposing the Vietnam War was clearer than Robert F. Kennedy, who jumped in late but was assassinated the night of his victory in the California Primary, which would have insured his nomination and probable win. Anyway, I got my first real lesson in American democracy, as I watched the police beat the crap out of the demonstrators in front. I was lucky. I was no where near the violence. Instead of Gene McCarthy, whose stand on peace in Vietnam marked him as an outlier and marginalized him, the Party Big Wigs muscled Hubert Humphrey, the Vice President into the nomination basically abandoning the primary election process.Humphrey wasn’t a ‘bad guy’. He was a strong supporter of civil rights, and working class interests. But he was strongly anti communist and despite his misgivings about the Vietnam War, he showed his loyalty to LBJ, who had decided not to run again, mainly due to massive demonstrations and pressure from the anti Vietnam War peace movement. As the saying went at the time, “Hey Hey LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?”….Now we hear cries about “Genocide Joe Biden”. And Kamala has stated she’s fully on board with his agenda…just like Humphrey was with LBJ. When Hubert Humphrey didn’t have a leg to stand on given his support of the indefensible Vietnam War campaigned on “The Politics of Joy”…When you can’t campaign based on evidence and logic, appeal to emotion. Several Commentators Have Noticed the Parallels Several observers of US politics have noticed the similarities between then and now. This mainstream website gives a sympathetic view of Humphrey’s career, and is worth noting. If it hadn’t been for the war, I might have been willing to vote for him. This article points out how the “Old Left” started cracking with the “New Left” comprised mainly of students questioning many of the assumptions of the “Party of FDR”. When President Johnson declined to run for another term in 1968, Humphrey won the Democratic Party’s nomination. His campaign got off to a tumultuous start with the infamous 1968 Democratic Convention. Humphrey’s attempts at unity and references to the “Politics of Joy” seemed wholly out of touch with the riots and protests going on outside. However, Norman Solomon, a well regarded journalist and a ‘real Leftist’ as distinct from the fake identity politics Left which is used by the Democrats to weaken the real base, which is favorable to peace and ‘Bernie Sanders style’ Socialism, explains how Humphrey’s unwillingness to take on the War Machine undermined his campaign, resulting in his defeat. The convention nominated him while, outside, tear gas filled the air during what a report from a special federal commission later called a police riot that meted out violence to antiwar demonstrators as well as some journalists. Inside the turbulent convention, dissenting delegates were outshouted, outvoted and suppressed by the pro-Humphrey forces.The chaos and bitterness in Chicago underscored how the vice president’s deference to the war president had weakened the party while undermining the chances for victory. In polls, Humphrey trailed the Republican candidate Richard Nixon by double digits. Kamala Harris and Her “Politics of Joy” Vice President Harris is in a similar position to Hubert Humphrey. But there is a significant difference. Humphrey did have a record of promoting legislation that was favorable to Labor and the working class, as well as promoting civil rights legislation. Harris, on the other hand, has a short record in the Senate, a stained record as Attorney General, who showed a lack of empathy for workers and especially people of color in her policies regarding prisoners. What she has in common with Humphrey was, what I’d call “studied ebullience”. She loves laughing and her acceptance speech at the convention was long on “the Politics of Joy” while short on substance. Norman Solomon noted: Last week, Harris described herself and running-mate Tim Walz as “joyful warriors.” Many outlets have heralded their joyride along the campaign trail. The Associated Press reported that “Harris is pushing joy.” A New York Times headline proclaimed that “joy is fueling her campaign.” The brand of the Harris campaign is fast becoming “the politics of joy.”Such branding will be a sharp contrast to the outcries from thousands of protesters in Chicago outside the Democratic National Convention next week, as they denounce U.S. complicity with the methodical killing of so many children, women and other civilians in Gaza.Campaigning for joy while supporting horrendous warfare is nothing new. Fifty-six years before Vice President Harris called herself a “joyful warrior,” Vice President Humphrey declared that he stood for the “politics of joy” when announcing his run for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination. On the other hand she shares a common trait of politicians–saying one thing to appeal to one audience, while implying quite the opposite to AIPAC, the big bucks people. This clip came from an obscure website I found shared in a post in a private group. I think it says a lot about her ‘crocodile tears for Palestine’, while ensuring that the bombs keep dropping. When Kamala Harris doesn’t have a leg to stand on given her support of the indefensible Ukraine and Palestinian War, she campaigns on “The Politics of Joy”…When you can’t campaign based on evidence and logic, appeal to emotion. Here she is appealing to one audience’s emotions one way and her ‘real supporters’ she appeals to them with different emotion….Rank psychological manipulation worthy of a sociopath. In Defense of Both Trump and Harris Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the Trump rally with what many (even avowed Leftists) said was the best speech in years. He said that if Trump were elected, he would work within that adminstration to turn the disastrous state of health of the American people, by making sure that health, diet, exercise and focus on prevention replace the for profit system in place now. I agree with that. Kamala Harris, in a recent speech addressed the housing crisis and the high cost of housing. She said she would work to build millions of new affordable housing units. Both of these issues are important, and all things being equal and disregarding their respective records, one could make a case to vote for either one. So, What Have We the People Learned Since 1968? The problem is that politicians of both parties have promoted both the Ukraine War and war with Russia and a future war with China, as well as the current genocidal war against Palestine, which has been ongoing, in fact, since the 1948 war of terror on the Palestinians, which drove 700,000 out of their homes, many into Gaza, where they’ve been under constant attack, creating ‘the world’s largest outdoor prison’….and now the world’s largest out door death camp. Both parties have with short exceptions for tactical purposes, been bent on world Hegemony, ever since the end of WWII. In fact, Andre Martyanov, a Russian American citizen and military expert recently pointed out that the US has been at war against Russia since WWII. Conclusion The reason why those of you who hate Russia do so, is because Russia now and the USSR then represented the resistance to US relentless drive to dominate the world. Hubert Humphrey intuitively understood that the Vietnam War was wrong. But he lacked the courage to oppose it, for his own political purposes. Kamala Harris weeps crocodile tears for Palestinians, but understands that her loyalty to AIPAC and Israel ‘trumps’ her sentiments about the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. And the American people, for the most part, shove the issue of America’s constant wars of conquest, slaughter and stealing resources of other countries, under the rug, because they are bought off by promises of economic benefits that rarely get met. It’s NOT The Economy, or the Fake Joy, Stupid..It’s the Damned Wars! That’s what YOU need to demand to stop. Stop the Damned Wars! Please consider spreading consciousness by visiting my stores Peace and Enlightenment Store Peace and Enlightenment Shop Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

  • FROM 1968 TO 2024, IT'S NOT THE POLITICS OF JOY, IT'S THE DAMN WARS | TheRevolutionReport

    < Back FROM 1968 TO 2024, IT'S NOT THE POLITICS OF JOY, IT'S THE DAMN WARS Eric Arnow Sep 7, 2024 It’s the Damned Wars, that the Politicians Keep Paying for. Senator Lindsay Graham says the US should attack Iran’s energy resources. He forgets that Iran could block the flow of oil out of the Persia Gulf, sending the world economy into collapse We no longer have adults with any kind of wisdom sitting in positions of power in Washington, DC. We’ve got emotional children and that’s exactly what Lindsey Graham is he’s he’s a child he’s old enough to know better but certainly …. I guess wants to embrace ignorance as his mantle —-Larry Johnson, former CIA officer and intelligence analyst, and former planner and advisor at the US State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. The Politics of Joy, Then and Now The two Democratic Party conventions, that of 1968, and now, 2024 have ended. I attended the 1968 convention–well, that is, I was in a park just across the street from the convention hall, probably 200 yards away. I’d supported the first peace candidate, Gene McCarthy of Minnesota, whose position opposing the Vietnam War was clearer than Robert F. Kennedy, who jumped in late but was assassinated the night of his victory in the California Primary, which would have insured his nomination and probable win. Anyway, I got my first real lesson in American democracy, as I watched the police beat the crap out of the demonstrators in front. I was lucky. I was no where near the violence. Instead of Gene McCarthy, whose stand on peace in Vietnam marked him as an outlier and marginalized him, the Party Big Wigs muscled Hubert Humphrey, the Vice President into the nomination basically abandoning the primary election process.Humphrey wasn’t a ‘bad guy’. He was a strong supporter of civil rights, and working class interests. But he was strongly anti communist and despite his misgivings about the Vietnam War, he showed his loyalty to LBJ, who had decided not to run again, mainly due to massive demonstrations and pressure from the anti Vietnam War peace movement. As the saying went at the time, “Hey Hey LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?”….Now we hear cries about “Genocide Joe Biden”. And Kamala has stated she’s fully on board with his agenda…just like Humphrey was with LBJ. When Hubert Humphrey didn’t have a leg to stand on given his support of the indefensible Vietnam War campaigned on “The Politics of Joy”…When you can’t campaign based on evidence and logic, appeal to emotion. Several Commentators Have Noticed the Parallels Several observers of US politics have noticed the similarities between then and now. This mainstream website gives a sympathetic view of Humphrey’s career, and is worth noting. If it hadn’t been for the war, I might have been willing to vote for him. This article points out how the “Old Left” started cracking with the “New Left” comprised mainly of students questioning many of the assumptions of the “Party of FDR”. When President Johnson declined to run for another term in 1968, Humphrey won the Democratic Party’s nomination. His campaign got off to a tumultuous start with the infamous 1968 Democratic Convention. Humphrey’s attempts at unity and references to the “Politics of Joy” seemed wholly out of touch with the riots and protests going on outside. However, Norman Solomon, a well regarded journalist and a ‘real Leftist’ as distinct from the fake identity politics Left which is used by the Democrats to weaken the real base, which is favorable to peace and ‘Bernie Sanders style’ Socialism, explains how Humphrey’s unwillingness to take on the War Machine undermined his campaign, resulting in his defeat. The convention nominated him while, outside, tear gas filled the air during what a report from a special federal commission later called a police riot that meted out violence to antiwar demonstrators as well as some journalists. Inside the turbulent convention, dissenting delegates were outshouted, outvoted and suppressed by the pro-Humphrey forces.The chaos and bitterness in Chicago underscored how the vice president’s deference to the war president had weakened the party while undermining the chances for victory. In polls, Humphrey trailed the Republican candidate Richard Nixon by double digits. Kamala Harris and Her “Politics of Joy” Vice President Harris is in a similar position to Hubert Humphrey. But there is a significant difference. Humphrey did have a record of promoting legislation that was favorable to Labor and the working class, as well as promoting civil rights legislation. Harris, on the other hand, has a short record in the Senate, a stained record as Attorney General, who showed a lack of empathy for workers and especially people of color in her policies regarding prisoners. What she has in common with Humphrey was, what I’d call “studied ebullience”. She loves laughing and her acceptance speech at the convention was long on “the Politics of Joy” while short on substance. Norman Solomon noted: Last week, Harris described herself and running-mate Tim Walz as “joyful warriors.” Many outlets have heralded their joyride along the campaign trail. The Associated Press reported that “Harris is pushing joy.” A New York Times headline proclaimed that “joy is fueling her campaign.” The brand of the Harris campaign is fast becoming “the politics of joy.”Such branding will be a sharp contrast to the outcries from thousands of protesters in Chicago outside the Democratic National Convention next week, as they denounce U.S. complicity with the methodical killing of so many children, women and other civilians in Gaza.Campaigning for joy while supporting horrendous warfare is nothing new. Fifty-six years before Vice President Harris called herself a “joyful warrior,” Vice President Humphrey declared that he stood for the “politics of joy” when announcing his run for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination. On the other hand she shares a common trait of politicians–saying one thing to appeal to one audience, while implying quite the opposite to AIPAC, the big bucks people. This clip came from an obscure website I found shared in a post in a private group. I think it says a lot about her ‘crocodile tears for Palestine’, while ensuring that the bombs keep dropping. When Kamala Harris doesn’t have a leg to stand on given her support of the indefensible Ukraine and Palestinian War, she campaigns on “The Politics of Joy”…When you can’t campaign based on evidence and logic, appeal to emotion. Here she is appealing to one audience’s emotions one way and her ‘real supporters’ she appeals to them with different emotion….Rank psychological manipulation worthy of a sociopath. In Defense of Both Trump and Harris Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the Trump rally with what many (even avowed Leftists) said was the best speech in years. He said that if Trump were elected, he would work within that adminstration to turn the disastrous state of health of the American people, by making sure that health, diet, exercise and focus on prevention replace the for profit system in place now. I agree with that. Kamala Harris, in a recent speech addressed the housing crisis and the high cost of housing. She said she would work to build millions of new affordable housing units. Both of these issues are important, and all things being equal and disregarding their respective records, one could make a case to vote for either one. So, What Have We the People Learned Since 1968? The problem is that politicians of both parties have promoted both the Ukraine War and war with Russia and a future war with China, as well as the current genocidal war against Palestine, which has been ongoing, in fact, since the 1948 war of terror on the Palestinians, which drove 700,000 out of their homes, many into Gaza, where they’ve been under constant attack, creating ‘the world’s largest outdoor prison’….and now the world’s largest out door death camp. Both parties have with short exceptions for tactical purposes, been bent on world Hegemony, ever since the end of WWII. In fact, Andre Martyanov, a Russian American citizen and military expert recently pointed out that the US has been at war against Russia since WWII. Conclusion The reason why those of you who hate Russia do so, is because Russia now and the USSR then represented the resistance to US relentless drive to dominate the world. Hubert Humphrey intuitively understood that the Vietnam War was wrong. But he lacked the courage to oppose it, for his own political purposes. Kamala Harris weeps crocodile tears for Palestinians, but understands that her loyalty to AIPAC and Israel ‘trumps’ her sentiments about the ongoing genocide of Palestinians. And the American people, for the most part, shove the issue of America’s constant wars of conquest, slaughter and stealing resources of other countries, under the rug, because they are bought off by promises of economic benefits that rarely get met. It’s NOT The Economy, or the Fake Joy, Stupid..It’s the Damned Wars! That’s what YOU need to demand to stop. Stop the Damned Wars! Please consider spreading consciousness by visiting my stores Peace and Enlightenment Store Peace and Enlightenment Shop Previous Next


    < Back CHRISTOPHER HELALI SPEAKS AT CHICAGO CONFERENCE The Revolution Report Sep 13, 2024 International Secretary of the American Communist Party Christopher Helali discusses the past successes, lessons, and future prospects of socialism! International Secretary of the American Communist Party Christopher Helali discusses the past successes, lessons, and future prospects of socialism! Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back CHRISTOPHER HELALI SPEAKS AT CHICAGO CONFERENCE The Revolution Report Sep 13, 2024 International Secretary of the American Communist Party Christopher Helali discusses the past successes, lessons, and future prospects of socialism! International Secretary of the American Communist Party Christopher Helali discusses the past successes, lessons, and future prospects of socialism! Previous Next


    < Back THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA: AN ABANDONMENT OF MARXISM-LENINISM, PART 2 Steven Schaefer Jul 3, 2024 Click here to read Part 1 of THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA: AN ABANDONMENT OF MARXISM-LENINISM Sam Webb: The Catalyst of Our Current Crisis Sam Webb is a little-known former leader of the CPUSA but has played a critical role in the development of the current liberal revisionist line we see today in the Sims-Cambron leadership clique. Originally joining the Communist Party in 1977, Webb served as the National Chairman of the Communist Party from 2000 until 2014 and remained on the National Committee of the party until 2016, at which point he resigned from the party to become a card-carrying Democrat. Webb arose as National Chairman following the death of longtime Communist leader Gus Hall and was notably the first Chairman to lead the party without having been influenced by the leadership of the Soviet Union. Webb’s reign prior to the 2008 US Presidential Election was relatively uneventful, marking a period of decline and disorientation in the party that didn’t allow the flexing of much political muscle. However, Webb’s rabid endorsement of Barack Obama's presidential campaign and his lack of criticism of the Obama administration is truly the origin of the modern idea that the Democratic Party and Communist Party are inseparably tied together. Following the election of former President Obama, while speaking at the 2008 National Committee meeting, Webb presented a long speech praising Obama, stating, “If the election of Barack Obama was a monumental victory, election night itself was a magical moment… To say that a sea change occurred on Nov. 4 is no exaggeration. A sense of joy, catharsis, and renewal is in the air. Expectations are high. A new era of progressive change is waiting to be set in motion. If the past eight years of the Bush administration seemed like a winter of discontent, Obama’s ascendancy to the presidency feels like a springtime of possibility…” At no point would Webb’s adoration of Obama cease, accompanied by his lack of criticism of his imperialist policies. This lack of nuance would result in Webb being openly criticized not only by numerous international Communist Parties but also by many local Communist Party clubs within the United States. The Sims-Cambron Leadership Clique Joe Sims and Rossana Cambron were jointly appointed as “co-chairs” of the Communist Party during the 31st National Convention of CPUSA in 2019. Neither has offered any significant theoretical or practical advancements to either the CPUSA or the international Communist movement. Cambron has done so little of significance in her political career, even compared to revisionist opportunists like Sims and Webb, that it remains a mystery to many party members how she even managed to be considered for the position of chairperson. Sims, on the other hand, has a long track record of attempting to distort and destroy the very foundational concept of Marxism-Leninism. Following the 2008 Presidential election, Sims wrote “Ten Worst and Best Ideas of Marxism” for the former CPUSA publication Political Affairs. In his “top ten worst ideas of Marxism,” he wrote: “Dictatorship of the proletariat: Probably the worst phrase uttered by a political theorist ever.” Chinese and Vietnamese Socialist Market Economies, “Defense of the Soviet Union in the Comintern,” and most audaciously “Marxism-Leninism: Way too subjective and besides too many bad stories and nightmares associated with it.” Today, these two sit at the helm of the Communist Party, the institution that is meant to be the representative of revolutionary working-class organizing within the United States. It has been made clear to the membership within the party that they do not represent that interest, and a growing internal revolution is beginning to brew with many factions beginning to turn on the early 2000s Old Guard who were able to seize power thanks to the disarray that was Communism in the late 1990s. Stay tuned for Part 3 of this series! Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

  • Greed Wins Again: US Oligarchs Stay Comfortable Amid Banking Collapse

    < Back Greed Wins Again: US Oligarchs Stay Comfortable Amid Banking Collapse The Revolution Report Mar 26, 2023 How long will the US continue to insist on its system of privatized gains and socialized losses? Since Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) went belly-up on March 10th, the economy-wide repercussions have yet to be felt. SVB was the 16th largest in the US. Some analysts have blamed the US Federal Reserve for raising interest rates, which depressed the value of already-existing US Treasury bonds. Like many banks, SVB invested in these bonds as an allegedly low-risk way to store and grow their assets. Read the full article here: Voiced by Paul Shepard Please support TheRevolutionReport on Patreon: Check out TheRevolutionReport's Newsletter and political analyses there: Follow TheRevolutionReport on Telegram! We are also on Instagram: Follow Donald and TheRevolutionReport on Twitter: @DonaldCourter #capitalism #banks #collapse Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

  • US Congress Approves Bill to Raise Debt Limit

    < Back US Congress Approves Bill to Raise Debt Limit teleSUR/ JF Jun 7, 2023 Pedestriants walk past the National Debt Clock in New York, the United States, on June 1, 2023 | Photo: Xinhua The U.S. reached in January its debt limit of US$31.4 trillion, over 120 percent of its GDP. The Senate approved the bill by a 63-36 vote. After months of partisan arm-wrestling, the U.S. Congress approved the bill to raise America's debt ceiling after the Senate's passage late Thursday, the 103rd time since 1945, allowing the government to avert a debt default by borrowing more. The Senate approved the bill by a 63-36 vote. Previously okayed by the House of Representatives by a vote of 314 to 117, the act suspends the debt ceiling until January 2025. The debt ceiling is a cap on the total amount of money that the United States is authorized to borrow to fund the government and meet its financial obligations. The United States reached in January its debt limit of US$31.4 trillion, more than 120 percent of its annual GDP. For months, as the White House and Congress were locked in a tug-of-war over terms of lifting the debt ceiling, the Treasury Department has been using "extraordinary measures" to avoid default. The deal was a make-or-break bid to steer the U.S. government away from a perilous debt cliff, as U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that the country could run out of money to pay its bills on time if Congress failed to address the debt ceiling by June 5. With Congress's approval, the bill will be sent to U.S. President Joe Biden's desk for his signature before becoming law. As with previous debt-ceiling sagas, the passage of the deal represents a trade-off of partisan interests following a months-long game of chicken between Democrats and Republicans, with each side trying to use an imminent default as a bargaining chip for advancing their own political agenda. Both parties have been selling the deal as a victory for their own side, but not all are pleased with the result. "It is frankly an insult to the American people to support a piece of legislation that continues to put our country's financial future at risk," U.S. Representative Matt Rosendale, a Republican from the U.S. state of Montana, lamented in a statement. It's not just Americans who have been on tenterhooks watching the cyclical U.S. partisan game. Over half of the world's foreign currency reserves are held in dollars, which means "a U.S. default could wreak havoc on global financial markets," the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations said in a recent report. A decrease in the dollar's value triggered by default or the uncertainty surrounding it "could make debts denominated in other currencies relatively more expensive and threaten to tip some emerging economies into debt or political crises," added the think tank. "The U.S. as the world's biggest economy has taken the global economy hostage by politicizing and polarizing its internal political issues on global financial markets," said Joseph Matthews, a senior professor at the BELTEI International University in Phnom Penh. Despite periodic rises of the debt ceiling, the two parties show little interest in addressing the root cause of the trouble, including America's behemoth spending appetite. Military spending accounts for the lion's share of the country's debt portfolio. Since 2000, the United States has poured hundreds of billions of dollars into the battlefields of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Ukraine. According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, from fiscal year 2001 to fiscal year 2022, more than half of the country's extra debt came from war costs. The splurge on wars is not the only expenditure to break Uncle Sam's bank. According to Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, immoderate welfare and healthcare costs also contribute to the fiscal woes. But so far, neither of the parties has been willing to risk offending voters by cutting these gross excesses and nudging the country's budget system back onto a sustainable track. In its latest report, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office projected that U.S. debt held by the public will reach 193 percent of GDP in 2053 if current policies generally remain unchanged. And by 2028, interest payments of the U.S. government could exceed the country's entire defense budget. Without concrete measures to reform its fiscal system, the repeated adjustments of the debt ceiling have proven to be nothing but only a Sisyphean task. This time is no exception. Even though a deal is reached before the deadline, "such risks will keep reoccurring until comprehensive reforms are enacted," said Steven Wright, associate professor of International Relations at the Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar. "We should never have been put in this position to begin with. This is about paying the ransom to a bunch of hostage takers," Senator Elizabeth Warren said before casting her vote. "And that is not how we should run this government. It's not good for the people of this country and it's not good for the position of the United States all around the world." Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back BREAKING NEWS AND ANALYSIS ON DAY 103 OF GAZA'S AL-AQSA FLOOD | The Electronic Intifada Podcast The Electronic Intifada Jan 18, 2024 GUESTS: Haidar Eid, scholar and activist; Ahmed Abofoul, legal researcher and advocacy officer at Al-Haq; Shahd Abusalama, educator and activist YOUR GIFT SUPPORTS THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA'S INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM ON PALESTINE: • Donate by credit card or PayPal via Network for Good: • Donate by credit card, ApplePay or US bank account via Kindful: Gifts are welcome from anywhere and are tax-deductible for US taxpayers as allowed by law. (📸 Naaman Omar / APA images) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐚 HERE'S A LINK TO THEIR 4 DECEMBER VIDEO DEBUNKING ISRAEL'S MASS RAPE PROPAGANDA. Find the Electronic Intifada on their website , as well as on: Twitter Instagram Soundcloud Spotify Apple Podcasts #TheElectronicIntifada #TheElectronicIntifadaPodcast Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

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