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    < Back AIRDROPS AND BIDEN'S PORT PLAN -- HUMANITARIAN AID THEATER IN GAZA The Electronic Intifada Mar 11, 2024 Electronic Intifada dissect Joe Biden's State of the Union Address announcement establishing a temporary port on the Gaza Coast to boost humanitarian aid. They expose the speech as a hollow PR stunt aimed at bolstering Biden's image, especially amidst ongoing primary elections. And they offer a scathing critique of the inadequacy of current aid distribution methods and a call for structural changes like opening the Gaza port to ensure unimpeded aid access, highlighting the Biden administration's fueling of the root causes of the genocide. YOUR GIFT SUPPORTS THE ELECTRONIC INTIFADA'S INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM ON PALESTINE: • Donate by credit card or PayPal via Network for Good: • Donate by credit card, ApplePay or US bank account via Kindful: Gifts are welcome from anywhere and are tax-deductible for US taxpayers as allowed by law. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐚 Visit our website for more reporting: Facebook: ... Twitter: Instagram: ... Soundcloud: Spotify: ... Apple Podcasts: ... #TheElectronicIntifada #TheElectronicIntifadaPodcast Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back UKRAINE IS TOAST (AND SO IS EUROPE) - WITH ANDREI MARTYANOV Garland Nixon with Andrei Martyanov Apr 25, 2024 Garland Nixon and Andrei Martyanov discuss how Russia and China are strengthening their strategic cooperation, evident in Lavrov's mention of a Eurasian security alliance and their technological partnerships with North Korea and Iran. Their goal is to establish a unified and technologically advanced defense network similar to Iran's resistance forces, bolstering their defense in the region. This collaboration will leverage existing skills and knowledge to boost the region's economy and industrial development, supported by the restoration of key industrial and agricultural assets. Moreover, there's a potential shift in Ukrainians' perception towards the West due to resentment over their involvement in the conflict, potentially recognizing Russia as a partner for their country's development. UKRAINE IS TOAST (AND SO IS EUROPE) - WITH ANDREI MARTYANOV paypal - / garlandnixon Previous Next

  • Diane Sare: Placed on Ukrainian Kill List?!?! | (clip) from The Politics of Survival with Tara Reade

    < Back Diane Sare: Placed on Ukrainian Kill List?!?! | (clip) from The Politics of Survival with Tara Reade Tara Reade Nov 12, 2022 Hour 2: Diane Sare, Independent Senate Candidate Diane Sare is on the November 8th ballot in New York State as the "LaRouche Party'' independent candidate for U.S. Senate. Please follow Diane Sare for Senate: Twitter: https::// Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: / sare4senate Parler: Please follow Tara & support her work - here are all the links: Twitter: Telegram: YouTube: / tarareadeauthor Rokfin (Ad-Free Video!): Rumble: Substack/Podcast: Twitch: Tara is a member of the Indie News Network family of content creators. Follow all the network channels and meet all the members at ( ) Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA: AN ABANDONMENT OF MARXISM-LENINISM, PART 2 Steven Schaefer Jul 3, 2024 Click here to read Part 1 of THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA: AN ABANDONMENT OF MARXISM-LENINISM Sam Webb: The Catalyst of Our Current Crisis Sam Webb is a little-known former leader of the CPUSA but has played a critical role in the development of the current liberal revisionist line we see today in the Sims-Cambron leadership clique. Originally joining the Communist Party in 1977, Webb served as the National Chairman of the Communist Party from 2000 until 2014 and remained on the National Committee of the party until 2016, at which point he resigned from the party to become a card-carrying Democrat. Webb arose as National Chairman following the death of longtime Communist leader Gus Hall and was notably the first Chairman to lead the party without having been influenced by the leadership of the Soviet Union. Webb’s reign prior to the 2008 US Presidential Election was relatively uneventful, marking a period of decline and disorientation in the party that didn’t allow the flexing of much political muscle. However, Webb’s rabid endorsement of Barack Obama's presidential campaign and his lack of criticism of the Obama administration is truly the origin of the modern idea that the Democratic Party and Communist Party are inseparably tied together. Following the election of former President Obama, while speaking at the 2008 National Committee meeting, Webb presented a long speech praising Obama, stating, “If the election of Barack Obama was a monumental victory, election night itself was a magical moment… To say that a sea change occurred on Nov. 4 is no exaggeration. A sense of joy, catharsis, and renewal is in the air. Expectations are high. A new era of progressive change is waiting to be set in motion. If the past eight years of the Bush administration seemed like a winter of discontent, Obama’s ascendancy to the presidency feels like a springtime of possibility…” At no point would Webb’s adoration of Obama cease, accompanied by his lack of criticism of his imperialist policies. This lack of nuance would result in Webb being openly criticized not only by numerous international Communist Parties but also by many local Communist Party clubs within the United States. The Sims-Cambron Leadership Clique Joe Sims and Rossana Cambron were jointly appointed as “co-chairs” of the Communist Party during the 31st National Convention of CPUSA in 2019. Neither has offered any significant theoretical or practical advancements to either the CPUSA or the international Communist movement. Cambron has done so little of significance in her political career, even compared to revisionist opportunists like Sims and Webb, that it remains a mystery to many party members how she even managed to be considered for the position of chairperson. Sims, on the other hand, has a long track record of attempting to distort and destroy the very foundational concept of Marxism-Leninism. Following the 2008 Presidential election, Sims wrote “Ten Worst and Best Ideas of Marxism” for the former CPUSA publication Political Affairs. In his “top ten worst ideas of Marxism,” he wrote: “Dictatorship of the proletariat: Probably the worst phrase uttered by a political theorist ever.” Chinese and Vietnamese Socialist Market Economies, “Defense of the Soviet Union in the Comintern,” and most audaciously “Marxism-Leninism: Way too subjective and besides too many bad stories and nightmares associated with it.” Today, these two sit at the helm of the Communist Party, the institution that is meant to be the representative of revolutionary working-class organizing within the United States. It has been made clear to the membership within the party that they do not represent that interest, and a growing internal revolution is beginning to brew with many factions beginning to turn on the early 2000s Old Guard who were able to seize power thanks to the disarray that was Communism in the late 1990s. Stay tuned for Part 3 of this series! Previous Next


    < Back “BAD ON FOREIGN POLICY BUT GOOD ON DOMESTIC POLICY" IS JUST AMERICAN SUPREMACIST PSYCHOPATHY Caitlin Johnstone Jul 30, 2024 Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Another annoying thing about US presidential elections is how all the liberals start babbling in unison about “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” like they’re two equal things which should be compartmentalized and separately considered. “Okay sure, Kamala is bad on foreign policy with her support for what’s happening in Gaza and all, but she’s a lot better than Trump on domestic policy,” you’ll hear them say with increasing frequency and urgency. Leaving aside the arguments one can make that Kamala Harris is actually quite bad on domestic policy, this separation of “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” is a dishonest talking point which only resonates with sloppy thinkers, and arises from a rather ugly underlying worldview. Splitting up “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” on questions of right and wrong only makes sense if you believe harming foreigners is more morally acceptable than harming Americans. “Kamala is bad on foreign policy but good on domestic policy” just means “American lives are innately superior.” It can only feel true from the inside of an American supremacist worldview. Murder and abuse is wrong regardless of where in the world it happens to occur. The fact that it isn’t happening to you or anyone you know personally doesn’t make it more ethical, it just makes it more tolerable for you if you’re the sort of person who only cares about yourself and your loved ones. The fact that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris support committing genocide in Gaza shouldn’t feel any more acceptable to you than if they supported committing genocide in Detroit. Morally speaking, there is no difference. Talking about the US empire’s abusiveness in terms of “domestic policy” versus “foreign policy” also pollutes the discourse by creating the wildly false impression that these matters carry equal weight and are equally worthy of consideration. The overwhelming majority of the US government’s murderousness and tyranny are inflicted not within its own official borders but in foreign countries in the form of wars, economic sanctions, blockades, proxy conflicts, coups, bombing campaigns, and drone warfare. If you are an American and you care about other people, then “foreign policy” should carry the lion’s share of the moral weight for you, because that’s where the US government actions of most consequence for human beings will take place. Saying a US politician is “bad on foreign policy but good on domestic policy” is like saying “Sure my husband spends his weekends murdering hitchhikers, but he’s a good provider and he knows how to fix a flat tire.” You’re talking about genocide, nuclear brinkmanship, mass military slaughter and deliberate mass starvation, and you’re placing these things on the same moral level as a candidate’s position on student loan debt. The only reason this kind of chowderheaded reasoning works on anyone at all is because the American propaganda services known as the mainstream media put a lot of energy into keeping Americans from thinking too hard about what their government is up to overseas. The US empire’s nonstop abuses are just a dull humming in the background which gets the occasional news story, while the vast majority of attention goes toward Trump’s latest scandal or the current hot-button culture war issue. In a presidential debate lasting two hours, you might get six minutes on foreign policy while the rest goes into talking about what happens inside the nation’s borders, whereas, in a debate which placed emphasis on the matters of most significance, the exact opposite would be the case. And let me preempt any objections that the two major presidential candidates are always murderous warmongers by saying, I know. Believe me, I know. You can use that fact to argue that because they’re both corrupt genocide monsters you may as well support the genocide monster who might make things a tiny bit less hard for some people in one small part of the world, or you can actually look at what I’m pointing at here and really ingest the horror of the situation the powerful have created for you and your compatriots. The fact that you’re only allowed to vote for corrupt genocide monsters should shake you to your core, and that’s what should be the main focus of everyone’s political attention. It’s only because Americans are the most propagandized people on earth that this isn’t happening. Don’t tell me “Kamala is bad on foreign policy but at least she’s better on domestic policy” if you want me to listen to you. If you want to argue that you’re supporting one genocide monster over another because your preferred genocide monster might be a bit less abusive to trans people in one country in the world, that’s fine, but don’t be dishonest and try to dress that up as some kind of “domestic policy” vs “foreign policy” dichotomy with two equal sides worthy of equal consideration. Be honest and admit you’re supporting a genocidal freak because you think she might wind up making the world suck a teeny, tiny bit less than the other guy. Because that’s the only argument that you can truthfully make. I’m not telling anyone how to vote or not vote. I could not care less. Your votes make no difference as far as I’m concerned. Vote or don’t vote in whatever way seems best to you, and then turn your attention to the real problem that’s staring you in the face right now: the fact that you live under a tyrannical empire which is fueled by human blood, and which is completely unaccountable to the will of the public. Republished from with thanks Previous Next


    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant face arrest warrants for a range of war crimes and crimes against humanity by ICC < Back ICC ISSUES ARREST WARRANTS FOR NETANYAHU, GALLANT FOR WAR CRIMES Press TV Nov 21, 2024 Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and his former minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant face arrest warrants for a range of war crimes and crimes against humanity over atrocities committed since October 7 last year. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant over war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The court’s Pre-Trial Chamber I issued warrants of arrest for Netanyahu and Gallant "for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed from at least 8 October 2023 until at least 20 May 2024, the day the Prosecution filed the applications for warrants of arrest”, it confirmed in a statement Thursday. It is the first instance in the court's 22-year history it has issued arrest warrants for Western-allied senior officials. In its statement, the ICC's Pre-Trial Chamber I, a panel of three judges, said it has rejected appeals by Israel challenging its jurisdiction. The chamber said it has decided to release the arrest warrants because "conduct similar to that addressed in the warrant of arrest appears to be ongoing", referring to Israel's ongoing onslaught on Gaza. Netanyahu and Gallant, it said, “each bear criminal responsibility” for “the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts,” as well as “intentionally directing an attack against the civilian population.” All 124 states that signed the Rome Statute, the treaty that established the court, are now under an obligation to arrest the wanted individuals and hand them over to the ICC in the Hague. The court relies on the cooperation of member states to arrest and surrender suspects. The Netherlands' foreign minister quickly said his country was prepared to enforce the warrants while 93 nations earlier reiterated their support for the ICC. Triestino Mariniello, a lawyer representing Palestinian victims at the ICC, called the warrants "a historic decision". He noted that the court had endured "pressure and threats of sanctions" from the US government, but acted nonetheless. As expected, the Tel Aviv regime rejected the rulings, with its security minister Itamar Ben Gvir calling the warrants “anti-Semitic through and through.” The ICC said Israel’s acceptance of the court’s jurisdiction was not required. Israel and its major ally, the United States, are not members of the court. Israel unleashed its bloody Gaza onslaught on October 7, 2023. So far, it has killed at least 43,985 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 104,092 others, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. Israel faces an ongoing South Africa-led genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Republished from Press TV , with thanks! Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back ISRAEL KILLS HEZBOLLAH COMMANDER AND 3 FIGHTERS IN LEBANON teleSUR Apr 8, 2024 Israeli forces carried out air strikes on border towns in Lebanon's eastern and central areas. On early Monday, Israeli airstrikes destroyed a house in the southern village of Sultaniyeh and damaged nearby houses, killing the Hezbollah commander Ali Ahmed Hussein Jaafar and two other members while injuring four civilians. Another airstrike targeted the southeast village of Kafr Kila, killing a Hezbollah fighter, destroying five houses, and damaging over 18 others. Israel carried out three air strikes Monday morning on three border towns and villages in the eastern and central sectors. It also fired 45 shells at ten towns and villages in the eastern, central, and western sectors of the border region in southern Lebanon. Meanwhile, Hezbollah said its fighters attacked several Israeli sites near the Lebanon-Israel border. Chief of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Aroldo Lazaro Saenz and United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka issued a joint statement calling Lebanon and Israel to recommit to the cessation of hostilities under the framework of resolution 1701 to avoid further escalation, saying "there is still space for diplomacy." Tensions along the Lebanon-Israel border escalated on Oct. 8, 2023, following a barrage of rockets launched by the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah in rejection of the Israeli offensive against Gaza. Israel then retaliated by firing heavy artillery toward southeastern Lebanon. The confrontations between Hezbollah and Israel have killed 417 people on the Lebanese side, including 265 Hezbollah members and 74 civilians, according to Lebanese sources. Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

  • Open Communist Runs for City Council in California | TheRevolutionReport

    < Back Open Communist Runs for City Council in California Center for Political Innovation Jun 22, 2022 California recently held its midterm elections and, as usual, in our current system, the results did nothing to excite the state’s working class. There was, however, an interesting development in Southern California’s city of Long Beach. Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Steven Estrada ran for City Council of Long Beach’s District One on an openly Communist ticket. While his opponents in the race for City Council claimed they would address issues like fixing local tourist attractions and addressing vague budget proposals, Estrada’s campaign focused on housing, employment, public transportation, and a safe community for the residents of Long Beach, with detailed plans on how to achieve such goals. Estrada finished third in the election with 8.32% of votes behind established local politicians. Some may see the results of the election as a failure, but those familiar with the long struggle of the working class can see how openly running as a Communist and receiving such a percentage in the United States should be considered a victory. With gas prices reaching $7 in some areas of California and the state’s continued negligence of homelessness, an increasing amount of working class people will be open to political campaigns similar to that of Steven Estrada. Estrada is not alone in running openly as a Communist, as Vermont Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) member Christopher Helali also received significant support in his campaign for Senate. Many on the left claim running in local elections as a Communist is a waste of time, but Helali and Estrada, like Vladimir Lenin, understand the importance of using popular elections to bring their message to the masses. As Lenin wrote in his book Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder : “…participation in parliamentary elections and in the struggle on the parliamentary rostrum is obligatory on the party of the revolutionary proletariat specifically for the purpose of educating the backward strata of its own class , and for the purpose of awakening and enlightening the undeveloped, downtrodden and ignorant rural masses . Whilst you lack the strength to do away with bourgeois parliaments and every other type of reactionary institution, you must work within them because it is there that you will still find workers who are duped by the priests and stultified by the conditions of rural life; otherwise you risk turning into nothing but windbags.” While so-called “socialists” are busy flipping tables at book fairs or arguing online, serious Communists like Steven Estrada are reaching out to the working class at bus stops and laundromats, where the masses are. As long as Washington continues to deprive the working class of housing and employment among other needs, messages from those like Estrada will continue to gain popularity. Previous Next

  • Lies that enable genocide of Palestinians

    < Back Lies that enable genocide of Palestinians Vanessa Beeley and UK Column News Nov 12, 2023 Nearly Every War That Has Started In The Past 50 Years Has Been A Result Of Media Lies!’—Julian Assange - UK Column News - - Spiked: No, Israel is not a 'settler-colonial' state - Sprinter (on X): “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Israel is a stronghold for us... It's almost like having an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. This is our oldest ally. If Israel disappears, Russia, China and the BRICS+ countries will control 90% of the world's oil, and this will be a disaster for US national security.” - Husseini (Substack): Is Israel Really Targeting Hamas? Does the US Recognize the Fourth Geneva Convention? - YNet: Hamas deception to IDF helicopters and targeting of pilots in Wattsap - Vanessa Beeley (Telegram): More footage of IOF helicopters firing on unidentified cars - Vanessa Beeley (Substack): The 'Hamas human shield' justification for Israeli war crimes - Defense for Children Palestine: Israeli forces use five Palestinian children as human shields - Syrianaan Alysis (Rumble): The untold history of Hamas Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    < Back VICTORY DAY SPECIAL Marx Engels Lenin Institute May 9, 2024 In this program, Alex of Marx Engels Lenin Institute celebrates the victory of the Red Army over Nazism. Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report


    immigration has become a high-stakes game, with each side focusing more on how to exploit the issue than addressing its complex underlying causes < Back IMMIGRANTS HAVE BECOME SCAPEGOATS IN U.S. POLITICS TeleSUR Nov 5, 2024 Vice President Kamala Harris at the U.S.-Mexico border. X/ @RollingStone As politicians turn to immigration as a defining issue in the campaign, genuine solutions appear increasingly out of reach. The United States, a country built by waves of immigrants, is now grappling with a dilemma of illegal immigration, which has become both a flashpoint and a partisan weapon in American politics. As Republicans and Democrats turn to immigration as a defining issue in the presidential election campaign, genuine solutions appear increasingly out of reach. Instead, immigration has become a high-stakes game, with each side focusing more on how to exploit the issue than addressing its complex underlying causes. CARD FOR POLITICS In recent months, immigration has soared to the top of voters’ concerns. A recent survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that about 60 percent of Americans now view immigration as important to their vote, up significantly from previous years. While Republican and Democrat politicians have both responded with intensified rhetoric, they have done little to bridge their divide on how to handle the issue. Instead, state and federal authorities are caught in conflicts that reflect the country’s deepening partisan split. Last year, Republican-led states including Texas and Florida transported undocumented immigrants to Democratic strongholds like New York, Washington, D.C. and Chicago. Early this year, in order to deter migrant crossing, Texas deployed National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, laid concertina wire border barriers and prevented federal agents from monitoring the border, highlighting the lack of a coordinated national approach. As the presidential election looms, Democrats and Republicans are doubling down on immigration as a means to rally their bases. Democrats continue to advocate for policies that portray them as champions of immigrant rights, emphasizing humane treatment and protections. While the Democratic stance resonates with their core supporters, it also serves an electoral strategy: immigrants and their descendants represent a growing and potentially reliable base for the party. However, with an increasing number of voters in favor of stronger immigration control, Democrats have started to shift their position. In June, President Joe Biden issued an executive order restricting asylum claims, limiting legal pathways at the U.S.-Mexico border in a rare departure from the party’s traditional stance. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris has echoed this shift, advocating for both legalization pathways and stronger border enforcement. Republicans, meanwhile, have adopted an increasingly hardline stance, framing immigration as a national security threat and opposing any form of legalization for undocumented immigrants. The Trump camp has ramped up its rhetoric, promising to conduct mass deportation if elected and blaming undocumented immigrants for issues like housing shortages and inflation, aiming to weaken support for Democrats among minority and union voters. However, despite both parties’ claims to prioritize voter interests, neither side has developed practical, actionable solutions. Democrats and Republicans alike focus on exploiting immigration as a wedge issue, stirring up partisan animosity without tackling the root causes of the problem. DEEP FLAWS IN GOVERNANCE The immigration issue has exposed structural weaknesses in American governance. Historically, U.S. immigration policies were skewed in favor of Europeans, while those from Asia and Latin America faced heavy restrictions, pushing many into illegal pathways. Undocumented immigrants have been an indispensable element in the U.S. society for decades. They have filled the need for essential yet low-paying and high-risk jobs that citizens largely passed up, promoted consumption, and brought benefits to the U.S. economy. However, the group remains marginalized and vulnerable. A recent Pew Research Center survey revealed that three-quarters of U.S. voters believe undocumented immigrants primarily take jobs that Americans don’t want to do, with 90 percent of Harris supporters and 59 percent of Trump supporters sharing that view respectively. Despite this wide acknowledgment of immigrants’ contributions, both legal and undocumented immigration have emerged as charged topics in the Nov. 5 election. At the forefront of the debate is a growing call for control, with some even pushing for large-scale deportations. Why, after years of dependency on immigrant labor, has immigration become such a heated political issue in the United States? The answer lies, in part, in a shifting economic landscape that has seen newcomers painted as scapegoats. In a time of economic uncertainties, critics argue that recent waves of undocumented immigrants now compete with low-skilled American workers, intensifying existing domestic job pressures. The decline in social mobility, as class divisions harden, compounds these anxieties. The U.S. has seen the biggest gap between the rich and the poor since the Great Depression in 1929. As noted by Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz during the 2022 James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Lecture in Economic Inequality, hosted by the Institute of Politics, the United States has “more inequality than other countries and remarkably less equality of opportunity than almost any other country.” Locked into this tense economic environment, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle face mounting public pressure. Once willing to negotiate and collaborate on nuanced immigration reform, Republicans and Democrats now find themselves at an impasse. And miserably, immigrants have fallen victim to deepening political polarization. Neither side can afford to alienate wealthy donors or find palatable solutions to create enough jobs, increase incomes and narrow the gap between the wealthy and the poor to alleviate voters’ frustrations. As a result, rather than seeking a bipartisan approach to address immigration constructively, they have taken to using undocumented immigrants, who cannot vote in the elections, as convenient scapegoats in the political battle. teleSUR/ JF Source: Xinhua Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

  • FBI's Most Wanted Chris Emms Finds Freedom In Russia - Talks About His Experiences

    FBI's Most Wanted Chris Emms Finds Freedom In Russia - Talks About His Experiences < Back FBI's Most Wanted Chris Emms Finds Freedom In Russia - Talks About His Experiences The Revolution Report Jun 13, 2023 Chris Emms is a cryptocurrency entrepreneur who is wanted by the FBI for allegedly helping the North Korean government evade US sanctions - a charge Emms denies. Hear all about his story and more in this fantastic interview! Link to our award-winning documentary "8 Years Before" • "8 Years Before" ... Please support TheRevolutionReport on Patreon: OFFICIAL WEBSITE: Check out TheRevolutionReport's Newsletter and political analyses there: Follow our Telegram channel! We are also on Instagram: Follow Donald and TheRevolutionReport on Twitter: @DonaldCourter @TheRevolutionR1 FBI's Most Wanted Chris Emms Finds Freedom In Russia - Talks About His Experiences #russia #northkorea #chrisemms Previous Next 2022-2024 The Revolution Report

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